Animals are a big part of our world. They have their own lives and communities, but humans interfere with them. Nowadays, animals and humans face a problem with living space because humans are destroying forests and entering the homes of animals. Due to this, animals sometimes attack humans.
The only difference between animals and humans is language. Both have a language, but animals understand human language while humans don't understand theirs. Humans often think about their own benefits. They kill and eat animals, and even conduct experiments on them because animals cannot speak or express their feelings.
Why do we eat animals? Don't we have land to grow grains, rice, or other foods? Don't we have rivers for drinking water? Don't we have enough land to live on Earth? We have everything, but humans prefer to live near forests for easy access to resources. Humans are more selfish than animals. Animals rarely leave the forest in search of food, but humans always interfere with the lives of animals in the forest. I believe every living creature has a right to live on this earth. It's not necessary to kill and eat animals; people can grow food instead, but human needs vary.
When killing animals, do we ever think they have a soul just like us? Humans feel the same pain when someone kills another human. Imagine being in the place of that animal for just 5 seconds, and you'll get an answer. Animals don't want to harm humans, but humans, as social animals, kill and interfere with their lives. It hurts when a human relative or friend dies, but do we ever think that animals also have families and friends? Animals feel pain when humans kill their family members, but humans aren't interested in understanding this. Humans seek only enjoyment. I read somewhere that a person who eats meat has a stomach like a mortuary.
Be aware. Put yourself in the place of an animal and feel the pain. Then, you'll find your answer whether humans should kill animals or not.